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 Red Granite Memorial in the Priory Gardens in Royston, England

The Memorial is maintained by the Royston Town Council on behalf of the people of Royston. The Town Council make funds available from their yearly budget to plant flower's that will bloom in winter and summer months.

Click here to view a map of Royston

Letter from Royston Town Council in 2010 to 91st Bomb Group

above - photo of memorial taken in July 2011

above - photo of memorial taken in July 2011

above - photo of memorial taken in 2010

above - photo of memorial taken in 2010

photo above - photo of memorial taken in 2007

photo above - Royston mayor addresses the 91st BGMA at 50th year celebration 1992

photo above - Royston mayor laying wreath at the 91st BGMA 50th year celebration 1992

photo above - 91st BG pilot and two navigators at the 91st BGMA 50th year celebration 1992

photo above - Royston mayor and his wife with two 91st BG veteran's wives at the 91st BGMA 50th year celebration 1992

(5 photos above contributed by Vince Hemmings)

redgranite1.jpg (76891 bytes)redgranite2.jpg (22316 bytes)

(2 photos above contributed by Steve Pena)