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 Black's Crew

401st Squadron

sound5.gif (1201 bytes) Satin Doll

Serial #

Back Row - Left to Right

S/SGT Stewart B. Butler, Top Turret Gunner; S/SGT Jack L. Sayre, Radio Operator; SGT Harvey W. Brundage, Right Waist Gunner; SGT Marion F. Allen, Tail Gunner; Bernie E. Stanton, Left Waist Gunner

* S/SGT Andrew Adelbo, Ball Turret Gunner (Crew member not in the picture)

Front Row - Left to Right

Lt. John L. Black, Pilot; Lt. Ralph J. Bell, Co-pilot; Lt. Benjamin H. Yarborough, Navigator; Lt. Lester Biot, Bombardier

Photo contributed by Bernie Stanton

Black's Crew Factoid - The crew began flying combat missions on April 19, 1944.