Maplesden Crew

324th Squadron

sound5.gif (1201 bytes) Never Say Never Again -

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Serial # 

Back Row, Left to Right:

Sgt. Lyle McCullough, Radio Operator; Sgt. Robert Kananen, Waist Gunner; Sgt. Thayne Johnson, Engineer; Sgt. Frank Dermody Jr., Tail Gunner; Sgt. Harry P. Hawkes, Ball Turret Gunner.

Front Row, Left to Right:

1st Lt Hooper Maplesden, Pilot; 2nd Lt Robert Hickinbotham, Co-Pilot; 2nd Lt Robert Margolis, Navigator; 2nd Lt Dan Haley, Bombardier.

Not Pictured: S/Sgt Robert Bailey (Waist Gunner)

Maplesden Crew Factoid - The crew flew the "Yankee Gal", "Lady Lois" and "BTO" among others. All crew members completed 35 missions.  


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